Ten benefits to offering 360 appraisals in your organisation

1. Improves operational efficiency, customer service, turnover and profitability
2. Increases individual performance by identifying learning and development opportunities for both the individual and for the organisation to provide
3. Raises awareness in individuals of their behaviours, attitudes and performance and how they impact on others and the efficiency of the business
4. Encourages and supports an open culture of feedback, personal development and improvement and supports other important quality programmes such as IIP, TQM, LEAN & 6 Sigma.
5. Measures the effectiveness of individuals against the competencies required to succeed in their role.
6. Is a powerful driver of change and demonstrates a commitment to developing people and the organisation
7. Helps individuals develop their Emotional Intelligence (EQ) known to be the most important leadership power.
8. Recognises individual strengths and encourages people to use them more often and to take ownership of their own personal development programmes PDP
9. Provides invaluable information in support of Leadership & Management Development programmes
10. Can help to release additional discretionary effort of colleagues in the organisation, through true leadership recognition and reward.

What is change management

What is change management?
Organisational change is something many of us will experience in our careers, often more than once, yet many managers find themselves tasked with managing business continuity whilst change is taking place, yet have received little change management training or have little experience in managing change. This may sound familiar.
Leading and managing change in an organisation is critical if the change is to be achieved within timescales, budget and with a committed and engaged workforce. Often change programmes confuse and distract people from their everyday work; productivity becomes affected with uncertainty regarding the future becoming the preoccupation of many.

Good training for managers is essential. Senior managers must be able to communicate the strategic vision clearly, be able to explain the purpose and gain the commitment of middle managers quickly. Middle managers are often the key to successful change programmes, they face more questions from their colleagues and team members and are under mixed pressures of implementation, dealing with their own uncertainties and emotions, finding solutions to unexpected problems during changes and acting as a conduit between those they manage and those they report to.

Investment in change management training to create leaders with more tools in their managerial and leadership toolbox, goes a long way to improve the quality of the experience many have when going through change in the workplace.

Good change management training should ensure that delegates develop
• A comprehensive understanding of change management strategy
• Be aware of the principles of successful change programmes
• Have knowledge of models of change management
• Strategic vision
• Tactical panning for improved implementation of change
• An exploration of Emotional Intelligence EI and be able to put it into practice
• Increased self awareness of how they cope and deal with change
• Coaching skills for use in the workplace
• Advanced communication skills of effective leadership


Raising Awareness Though 360 Feedback

Many more businesses are providing managers with the opportunity to experience 360 feedback. This is a good thing as our perceptions of our own behaviours, skills and knowledge in the work place may be both different and informed from a limited number of sources.

It’s important that participants receive a facilitated feedback session and not just given a printed report to digest the information. The feedback session should facilitated in a coaching style, be one of an exploration, where the coach through asking questions of the participant increases their awareness of how they perceive themselves and to how others perceive them.
The exploration of when and where particular competencies are being demonstrated, well or not so well, provides the participant with context, is useful in recognising what works so it can be repeated more often and in developing actions for improvement in the future.

Many organisations have also benefited from including personality trait psychometrics into their management & leadership development programmes and the feedback sessions conducted by experienced and qualified coaches can provide quality information for the participant to work with in their personal development plan.

Find you inner hedgehog

The three circles of the Hedgehog Concept is a management tool to help people and organisations morph from ‘good’ to ‘great’. So what is your organisation really good at that it could be even better at?
The Hedgehog Concept is all about identifying and understanding what an organisation is really good at – and to keep doing it.
This theory stems from the story of the hedgehog and the fox. Each day, the fox would try different ways of stealing up on and catching the hedgehog. But the hedgehog did the only thing he knew how to do – curl up in a prickly ball. While the fox tried every different ruse to get past this, the hedgehog focused on just that one defensive response – the thing that he did best.
In his book, Jim Collins talks about the ‘three circles’ which are:
1. what you are deeply passionate about;
2. what you can be the best in the world at; and
3. what drives your economic engine.

Wells Fargo, for example, realised that it couldn’t compete with CitiBank on international banking. But that it could beat the competition at providing bank services to the West Coast of the United States – and ever since that change of direction the company has outperformed the market and its competitors. It was Chris Washington-Sare, who had formerly worked for Greenpeace, demonstrated that the campaigning organisation’s ‘hedgehog’ was what he called ‘media mind bombs’. In 1971 a group of twelve American and Canadian activists chartered a boat and sailed straight into the nuclear test site in Amchitka Alaska. It has been performing similar stunts every since to dominate headlines and sustain awareness of its cause.
The application of the Hedgehog Concept can also be made to personal development , so here is the challenge can you find your ‘inner hedgehog’

Adapted from an Article taken from the People Bulletin July 2011

Leadership & Management Development

All development must start with the raising of self awareness, we do this in a number of different ways. One tool we use is a feedback survey more commonly called a 360 feedback. This involves self appraisal against job competencies and appraisal of demonstrated skills, knowledge and behaviours from others that you work with. Becomming more aware of both how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you is useful to drive leadership and management development and has a large part to play in organisational change, the management of change.

Reveal Solutions design and deliver Leadership & Management Development training http://www.revealsolutions.co.uk

Coaching in Gloucestershire

We attended the Gloucestershire Coaching Network group last night.
Held at the Maxima Forum on Landsdown Road Cheltenham bi monthly we were undertaking coaching practice specifically using two techniques that of The Sedona Technique and Dilts Neurological Levels.
Coaching whether it be executive coaching, performance coaching, life coaching is a powerful tool. Our group consists of coaches working with business, public and voluntary organisations to facilitate personal, management and leadership development.
Our next meeting is the 22nd September and you can book on through the Gloucestershire CIPD website.
Reveal Solutions are providers of Coaching, Leadership & Management development training, psychometric profiling, assessment and development centres

Coaching Cards

Now going for the fourth reprint our coaching cards are being purchased by coaches, managers, social workers, doctors, Organisations for their managers etc. as a means of management development, leadership development, supporting coaching as a management style and for use in appraisals.
The GROW coaching model is a powerful tool and we see these unique cards as a way of supporting coaching in the UK and around the world.
If your a life coach, business coach or simply want to improve your coaching practice these cards will assist you in your development