Time to Think About 2018

You may still have your summer holiday to come, or maybe you have just got back. Either way it’s time to think about 2018 and we have a treat instore for you!

What are you going to do for your personal development in 2018?

What if we told you, that you can have 7 nights in a traditional luxury Riad in the Medina of Essaouria inc breakfast and 4 days training to become a certified mBIT coach during your stay, is that something that would interest you?

We are bringing several different elements together to give you the experience and training of a lifetime. We are going to come together for a week in the beautiful Moroccan coastal port of Essaouira where the average temperature for April is 20 degrees with an average of 27 days of sun.

You will enjoy 4 days of training with 3 mBIT Trainers in air conditioned facilities. Where finishing at around 5pm each day you will have the rest of the time to yourself, maybe to enjoy a walk on the 9 miles of golden sand that stretches along the coast to the south, or maybe to have a quiet drink at one of the many cafe’s and then onto dinner at a local restaurant.

We may even do a guided meditation on the beach!

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For further information contact us


Our Intention Focuses Our Attention

Every second of every day we are subject to thousands upon thousands of pieces of information hitting our senses. Our eyes see everything in their sphere of vision, near, far, in front of us, off to the side, out of the corner of our eye. Our ears hear everything, loud, quiet, near and far. High pitch, deep rumbles, everything. And so it goes on for smell and taste and for all that we touch.

What’s interesting is that in this rich soup of available information the human brain focuses on processing a limited number! First approximately 138 and then a further refinement down to  7+/-2 per second per second. That’s still a lot of information!

How and why is this important?

In simple terms, where we place our intention, focuses our attention, in other words what gets through to our brains both informs our map of the world in our heads and provides us with the data to make decisions.

Our ‘map of the world’, what do we mean by this? It’s our internal representation of the world we live in, we’ve taken the information, processed it to make sense of it, and settled on that’s how it is! It’s the reason why two people could go to a football match, watch the same game and broadly come away with the same outcome but have two totally different views on what they experienced. I suppose that may depend on which team they were supporting and the result!

Coming back to making decisions, our actions are dependent on what information we have considered important and relevant, because as our intention focuses our attention, we will not notice or pay attention to all other information. An example of this would be two people out for a walk. One’s intention although going out for a walk for some exercise is important, is intent on catching up with what friends have been up to, they spend time during the walk going through their social media, probably making sure that they keep going in the right direction, avoid tripping or falling over etc. The other person’s intention is to take in as much of their surroundings as they can during their walk. They spend time looking around the fields, watching out for birds and searching out those beautiful wild flowers they suspect are out there somewhere.

Once we are aware that it is us who decides intention, we can be more choiceful with our attention.

The next time someone is speaking to us, it may be worthwhile asking ourselves what’s our intention here, are we fully present in the conversation? Next time we are out, what are we possibly not noticing, that we could be if we choice to be wantonly curious? How much more can we enrich our own model of the world?

Time for a selfie

According to a wave of recent reporting, the prevalence of selfies is utterly staggering: the average millennial will take 25,700 in their lifetime; it is claimed that females aged 16 to 25 spend five hours taking selfies per week; and on average, 93 million selfies are taken worldwide each day.

That’s a lot of studies of self!

Or rather images of our exterior, it’s almost as if humans have become peacocks, displaying ourselves to the world. The questions that come to mind are, ‘does this behaviour increase happiness’? And ‘does it in any way aide self-development’?

For sure they are fun, although we should all take note that as the desire to capture the most exotic of views behind us increases, the number of accidents and fatalities has commensurably increased! But how come we will devote so much time and effort to grabbing a photo and so little time holding up the metaphoric mirror to ourselves and doing some inner reflection?

For millennia, the practices of meditation, quiet reflection and contemplation have yielded great insights and produced some pearls of wisdom; just take a look on Facebook to see the hundreds of great quotations posted daily.  Interestingly, many people are inspired for a short period of time….until the next thing of interest attracts them.

In the land of instant access, instant results, almost instant everything; there comes a price, not in financial terms, but in terms of inner peace and tranquillity. Someone once said to me “if you could bottle peace of mind, you would make a fortune.” Yet peace of mind comes from getting it together with your inner self, taking the time to connect and to communicate well internally, to gain a greater sense of Self and the relationship you have with the world.

Maybe it’s time more people took Real Selfies, but without that selfie stick! J


What is mBIT?

It stands for multiple brain intergration technique. Why is it important to know about mBIT? Because we have several complex adaptive #neuralnetworks in our bodies, not just in our heads but also in our #heart and #gut.
So What!
So it’s not just our head brain that can figure out what we should do and how we should respond to our surrounding environment, opportunities and threats!
Bet you have never felt when your #heart is not in something, have you?
Bet you have never followed your #gutinstinct have you?
Of course you have, so you instinctively know they have value to you!
So why would you not want to find out how to use them more effectively? To make #wiserdecisions, because we all want that don’t we?
OK It’s time to find out more, first follow this link goo.gl/5Fm6eU
then contact us info@revealsolutions.co.uk book 3dGet a FREE copy of this book when you en-role.

How do you eat an elephant?

one-bite-at-a-timeMany have probably heard this one before, and in fact, we often refer to it when working with clients that are indicating they are in overwhelm, or are experiencing procrastination.

Faced with a job well overdue, over the Christmas and New Year break, I found myself standing in our lovely well-proportioned greenhouse, gazing at the final remnants of dead plants killed off by the sub-zero overnight temperatures, the masses of cobwebs and virtually translucent glass covered in that horrible green algae, splash marks from watering and the occasional stuck dead leaf. On top of that, there were the masses of pots, trays, spent compost and tied-in canes that we had used to train peppers, cucumbers and chillies up, in those exciting late Spring and early Summer months. WOW…where to begin?

A cup of tea! Ever noticed how a cup of tea provides that space to think and plan? So with gardening clothes on, including a nice warm fleece, soft slippers exchanged for those cold wellie boots that have been in the garage since I last put them on in the early autumn, I had reached a decision.  ‘Today’, I heard myself say to myself, ‘I will just cut and clear all the plants to the compost bin’.

Isn’t it funny how, once you have started, you just get on with it! Soon the whole space looked so much better; progress could definitely be seen. Recognising that my personality type enjoys others also noticing what has been achieved (external confirmation – I find it gives me further impetus); I am energised when my wife delivers a WOW that is so much better already.  The 2nd cup of tea also helps of course.

‘Well what is going to be phase 2? And, well let’s just get that done today’,  I hear myself saying in the privacy of my own head.  Before long, the far gable end had been washed down and stood out as being  ‘as good as new’.

Over the next 3 days, different phases of the cleaning were completed, resulting in us being ready for the new season in a positively ‘shipshape and Bristol fashion’

Allow time for planning and thought.

Break the task into manageable pieces

Stand back and recognise achievement along the way

Be proud and energised by compliments and praise from others

Encourage others with positive reinforcements

Personal Resilience

So much has been written about building personal resilience and it seems that it is one of the hottest topics in businesses and organizations as they look to support their people and look after their well being.

Could it be, that in a world of instant gratification, where we are led to believe that there is always a way, that we have built up a reliance on others to come up with solutions?  Could our desire for inclusion, our worry that a child should not experience rejection on the sports field, that ‘taking part is more important than winning’ result in us losing the ability to cope with difficulty and belief in ourselves to overcome adversity?

Human beings are enduring creatures, we have spent thousands of years dealing with challenges, overcoming what the natural world has thrown at us, yet we seem to struggle with the man-made challenges of modern life. Expectation, falsely-created needs and a desire for an easy life.

Life just isn’t like that, there are real challenges and threats, not the sabre tooth tiger that wants to hunt us and eat us, or (for many of us) the need to find food and water daily in order to survive.  No…modern challenges, like adapting to rapidly-changing technology, coping with change, dealing with global competition, remaining relevant in the workplace, managing others’ expectations and self-expectations.

So just how much control do we have in our lives?  The answer is a lot, but only if we take charge, choose a positive outlook, cultivate the motivation and determination to see things through.

Every four years, we see athletes from around the globe come together to compete, to win and for more to go away empty-handed. The common themes are stories of clear goals, dedication and sacrifice on the way to success and for those who were unable to claim a medal, defiance in defeat, a commitment to work harder, to find new ways to train, to up skill, bank the experience and return stronger. This is resilience in action.

We have worked hard over the last few months to bring to you a set of Building Personal Resilience Coaching Cards, a grouped resource that can be used by individuals, organizations and teams to understand what makes up resilience.  There are challenges and questions to self-coach and develop those skills, thinking and mind-sets needed in order to be successful.

Follow the link to find out more goo.gl/KHZkic


Thomas Edison made 1000 experimental light bulbs, all of which failed before he succeeded on his 1001st attempt.

Albert Einstein said ‘failure is success in progress’.

17 Days and counting

Just 17 days before we go back to school!

Did you know that we have multiple brains? the one we all know about our head brain, the second we may have heard about our Heart brain and the third our Gut brain.

Most of us will have been aware at some time of feelings or feedback from our heart and guts, you know when our heart has been telling us one thing and our head something else! Ye there you go, communication from two of our multiple brains.

I bet you will have said at some point in your life ‘ i have a gut feeling about this…..’ Another brain at work!

But what if you could be more effective at communicating with these other brains? Why not use multiple intelligence’s? It seems rude not too. After all if there there it would be a bit daft not too wouldn’t it?

Wisdom as they say comes from multiple perspectives, so if you would like a bit of that get yourself back to school in 17 days time.

mBIT (multiple brain integration technique) i know a bit of a handful but we won’t kill you, we will just help you to open up your world amazingly, change your life, teach you how to make better decisions for yourself and well, as they say ‘the world really will be your oyster’

To Book now and discover what discount level remains go to

See you there for 4 days of amazing fun or as we say awesoming cos it’s always happening


Successfully Appraising Staff

Most organizations have some form of appraisal system.

For the manager the annual appraisal can be reasonably testing, there can be pressure from HR to meet the deadlines and produce individual reports for all the team members and there is the time it takes as well as doing the day job.

However there is a quality opportunity here. Get it right and it can be the process that unlocks potential, discovers talent, increases creativity and employee engagement. It never ceases to amaze me the skills and experience people have and use outside of the workplace, only to find that they are missed, never explores or simply ignored by their boss.

Whatever business we are in we are in the people business‘ never a truer word spoken, people are our greatest asset, how many times have you heard that said? The reality is though many managers and organizations focus on the process and measure the results!

People do not come to work to do a bad job‘ yet we have all gone to work and got something wrong occasionally, sometimes with fairly large consequences. The fact is we didn’t do it intentionally or deliberately, we just messed up a little.

So back to the appraisal process, we are passionate about people development, we are also passionate about supporting people & organizations  in achieving the best that they can be. We know that happy people perform well and we know that discretionary effort is released when people feel valued. So lets get appraising our people and doing it successfully.

If you would like a little support in that, why not have a look at our latest product, it’s the first in a series of courses in a box, ready made workshops that you can deliver in your workplace, all the materials you need including an explicit trainer guide to support you in your delivery.

Successfully Appraising  Staff

  • Delegate handbook
  • Trainer guide
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Successful Appraisal Coaching cards

To find out more follow the link



Dynamic Learning At Work

With Pokémon Go becoming such an overnight success around the world, the thought crossed my mind as to the use of this technology in training. I was reading an article the other week that mentioned “touch points” According to Wikipedia, the definition of a touchpoint is: Touchpoint (also touch point, contact point, point of contact) is business jargon for any encounter where customers and business engage to exchange information, provide service, or handle transactions. The importance of an effective touch point cannot be underestimated; it drives engagement, stimulates motivation and holds interest. Just what we want to happen, too make a training intervention work well.

For those who have yet to come this blend of real world and virtual world this is how the technology works  “In simple terms, Pokémon Go uses your phone’s GPS and clock to detect where and when you are in the game and make Pokémon “appear’ around you (on your phone screen) so you can go and catch them,” writes German Lopez of Vox,

Pokémon Go is essentially a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt game. Instructional designers have used scavenger hunt activities and exercises for years. Now they can create a scavenger hunt within an augmented reality game based on the business environment. writes Franz Villa https://www.linkedin.com/in/franzvilla

By using smart phone or tablets to detect tokens that are positioned in the real business world where learning, training or raising of awareness are required or desired, these tokens are linked to the business LMS allowing different types of training and learning to take place and be accessed, the gaming aspect can be incorporated to earn additional tools or collect awards etc.

There is potentially no limit to what can be achieved using this technology and certainly moves online learning into a new, dynamic and exciting era.