Is There Life On Mars

Man’s fascination with trying to find life on other planets continues, following the latest satellite images, scientists have for the first time confirmed liquid water flowing on the surface of present-day Mars, a finding that will add to speculation that life, if it ever arose there, could persist.
So roll on the clock say a few thousand years from now and I wonder what life from another time dimension, coming across planet earth may find? And if we are no longer in existence what legacy we leave behind? Will these visitors, if it is to be believed we cannot be the only form of civilisation in existence, be able to piece together not only how we evolved, but understand our purpose? Continue reading “Is There Life On Mars”

Could Our Driving Behaviours Reflect Our Values

I was wondering as I drove down the M5 the other day, why there are so many accidents on the roads? This was prompted as I watched a few other motorists complete manoeuvres that seemed, at best, risky and resulted in cars around them having to alter their course or speed in response.
Then I was sat in the hotel the other night reading a newspaper and spotted an article about road traffic accidents in the UK and contributing factors, this report highlighted the increase of accidents related to the use of electronic devices while driving!
My instinct tells me that whilst driving for most people is an unconsciously competent act, the decisions that they are taking whilst behind the wheel, are almost certainly honouring their inner Values, after all; our behaviours always align with the values we hold, whether conscious or more likely, unconscious. Continue reading “Could Our Driving Behaviours Reflect Our Values”

Your Chapter 9

“Every man is condemned to freedom” Jean-Paul Sartre
This week’s blog is inspired by my friend Grant Soosalu, a very clever chap, who along with Marvin Oka, co-created the innovative field of mBraining. Having used methodologies from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Cognitive Linguistics and Behavioural Modelling and informed by the latest neuroscientific discoveries; Grant answered his calling, put a pause on his highly successful consultancy business to devote his time unpaid, with the full support of his wife, to ensuring the world heard about mBraining and all the science that is going on as we speak, uncovering even more evidence that supports beliefs and practices dating back thousands of years; that we achieve wisdom through the communication and alignment of our multiple brains.
This is not a blog about mBraining specifically, however if you wish to find out more, please follow the links at the end of the blog, or contact me directly. This is a blog about finding your purpose; it’s a blog about making a difference in the world, about following what you know, for you, to be intrinsically the right thing to do and having the courage to do it.
We have just witnessed an interesting event in UK politics, without wishing to get into politics, I thought it would be a good example to highlight, a case of choosing a Leader. Many employees may believe they don’t choose their leaders. I think this is partially correct; but they do have a choice as to whether they follow the incumbent leader or not! In fact, they may choose another leader elsewhere, something that now the economic landscape may be improving will be born out as people feel more at ease with moving to another organisation. Continue reading “Your Chapter 9”

Becoming a Compassionate Leader

A study completed by Christina Boedker from the Australian School For Business has uncovered a “positive link between productivity and compassionate leadership.”
She studied more than 5600 people across 77 organizations, and found the single greatest influence on profitability and productivity was the ability of a leader to be Compassionate.

Why might that be? Probably because when we feel leadership with compassion we feel genuinely valued and as a result we give discretionary effort without reserve.

Leadership development starts with a leader wanting to be more effective and willing to look at themselves honestly and uncompromisingly, both from the outside-in and from the inside-out. Development is self-driven, the best at achieving this are those without ego who genuinely appreciate the opportunity they have to lead and value more than performance and profit. This is not to say they are not focused or understand that area of responsibility; it just means they achieve it a different way.

At the beginning of the year, I was privileged to experience mBIT, multiple Brain Integration Techniques, when I completed my mBIT coach certification; this further enhanced my understanding how leaders can make better decisions when they fully integrate their multiple brains. Continue reading “Becoming a Compassionate Leader”

Employee Engagement Part 4

In the first instalment of this blog on employee engagement we took an extract from a recent employee engagement survey conducted by Changeboard in partnership with Oracle. The results are real food for thought, leading us to the question, what can we do about it? Each week we will look at the major blockers to employee engagement, with solutions that will lead to great improvements when implemented.

Over a quarter of those employees, 27% in the survey, reported they perceived a lack of voice in the organisation in which they work. That’s huge non-engagement within a workforce. If over a quarter of your employees felt their views weren’t worth putting across; how much missed opportunity for correcting recurring mistakes, or innovative solutions are being missed and that’s just stating two obvious ones. The interesting point here is it’s a perception and perceptions can be changed, that’s the good news. But how could this perception come about in the first place? Could it be because there is a lack of communication between management and employees? Could it be there is a ‘tell and do’ culture not ‘challenge and involve’? It could be for a number of reasons, all primarily centred upon a lack of two-way communication and a willingness to demonstrate a belief that employees often have answers to recurring issues and challenges they face and are not constrained by known imposed barriers in their thinking, unlike some management.
What we can do is help start the engagement process through listening groups, compile common themes and threads to help leaders understand a different perspective, start action learning sets composed of diverse groups from around the organisation in order to generate solutions and to bring the organisation closer together. We can influence leaders to implement employee involvement schemes like encouraging attendance at various meetings in order to broaden their knowledge of the business, back-to-the-floor sessions for managers to reconnect with the day to day running of the business and experience for themselves the outcomes of their decision making.

Reveal Solutions are Leadership and Management Development specialists, designing and delivering bespoke learning interventions that improve employee performance, wellbeing and engagement.

Improving Employee Engagement Part 3

In the first installment of this blog on employee engagement we took an extract from a recent employee engagement survey conducted by Changeboard in partnership with Oracle. The results are real food for thought, leading us to the question, what can we do about it? Each week we will look at the major blockers to employee engagement, with solutions that will lead to great improvements when implemented.

Often misunderstood; the term Performance Management is not all about tackling poor performance! It encompasses the whole performance spectrum. Cited by 38% of those involved in the survey as a reason for poor employee engagement was poor performance management. Organisations that have poor performance management are those who not only fail to set and communicate clear expectations of employee behaviours, standards of work, productivity etc., with clear ways of measuring and improvement processes to follow in the event of unacceptable performance; they are also the ones who fail to acknowledge good and great performance, probably do not have recognition and reward programs, may well have a culture of ‘well that’s what they get paid to do’.

So let’s look at these two sides of the performance spectrum. We are more comfortable knowing what is expected of us than trying to guess it. Good standards are achieved when in the first instance, clear and reasonable expectations are agreed and communicated. Standards do deteriorate without them, as employees may unconsciously try and find the lower limit of acceptability. This situation can be awkward for managers who may also be unsure when to take a stance and make an intervention, with employees often upset at the challenge or the complete lack of consistency, potentially leading to accusations of bullying or harassment and the possibility of future action at an employment tribunal. A lack of clear expectation leads to disengagement and disillusionment for positive high performing employees, who struggle to keep high levels of motivation when they see standards not upheld around them. Altogether a poor state of affairs.
What we can do is work with organisations to design or improve their existing Skills and Behaviours frameworks and then incorporate them into their job specifications/ descriptions. We can deliver training with line managers on how best to communicate expectations, deal with performance matters, conduct successful appraisal meetings with their team members, helping them to identify development opportunities and implement plans to meet expectations.

On the other side of the spectrum, if we fail to recognise good and great performance, we fail to grasp the opportunity to inspire; not only the employee demonstrating high levels of achievement, but also the opportunity to inspire others. Everyone likes to be a part of success and the most successful organisations are ones whose culture recognises achievement and celebrates success. Often this culture starts with recognising small green shoots, it’s about keeping an eye out to catch people doing it right and then recognising that in an authentic and sincere way.
When we miss that opportunity to acknowledge not just performance, but participation, challenge, innovation etc., we risk extinguishing the flames of passion and engagement. One of the most interesting stories I came across on this subject was of a manager, who without budget to reward good performance, bought a ‘Bart Simpson’ figure and dyno taped ‘ for going above and beyond the call of duty’ to the base. This was duly presented to an employee the next week, who had done more than they had needed to, ensuring a customer was satisfied following a complaint. To much laughter and applause, along with a heartfelt thank you from the manager; the figure found a prominent home on the low dividing wall in the office by the employees desk. Hasten to say, there was much competition to have the ‘Bart Simpson award’ as it became known on your desk. No monetary value, but a representation of ‘I have been recognised and I am proud to display it’.
So what we can do is, influence cultures, be change agents and start each time we go into a business by being appreciative of what people are already doing as they go about their job. We can help organisations develop appreciative programmes; include success stories and achievements by colleagues in briefings, team meetings and in staff magazines and newsletters. We can demonstrate though our behaviours that appreciation and recognition help gain employee trust and improve engagement levels.

Improving Employee Engagement Part 2

In the first installment of this blog on employee engagement we took an extract from a recent employee engagement survey conducted by Changeboard in partnership with Oracle. The results are real food for thought, leading us to the question, what can we do about it? Each week we will look at the major blockers to employee engagement, with solutions that will lead to great improvements when implemented.

Linked to the manager relationship, is the issue of lack of career development opportunity cited by 39% of those participating as a reason for poor employee engagement. The line manager with poor people skills and unacceptable behaviours is most unlikely to be a nurturing, encouraging individual. We all have a better level of wellbeing when we are involved and part of the story. We all have skills, knowledge & expertise, the secret is if those are recognised, honed & channelled.
What we can do is to work with organisations to develop an extensive people plan that fully reflects business needs, identifies people’s aspirations and matches latent potential to training and development programmes. A critical component of a great people plan is in communicating the opportunity messages and celebrating success, the completion of training, the awards won, the promotions achieved etc.

Reveal Solutions are Leadership and Management Development specialists, designing and delivering bespoke learning interventions that improve employee performance, wellbeing and engagement.

Improving Employee Engagement part 1

Here is an extract from a recent employee engagement survey conducted by Changeboard in partnership with Oracle. The results are real food for thought, leading us to the question, what can we do about it? Each week we will look at the major blockers to employee engagement, with solutions that will lead to great improvements when implemented.

The majority (60%) of organisations are not happy with the current levels of employee engagement. There are many different reasons for low employee engagement. The most common is due to leadership behaviours, put forward by 45% of people. “The organisation currently has no competency framework or values in place, so leadership behaviours have a big negative effect on engagement,” asserted one individual. But the line manager/employee relationship is also prominent (42%), as is a lack of career development opportunities (39%), poor performance management (38%) and a perceived lack of voice (27%). Other anecdotal responses also referenced issues such as conflict between senior management and employees, a lack of work/life balance and the impact of substantial funding cuts, reorganisations and job losses.

Isn’t it shocking that 45% of workers participating responded that their low engagement was as a direct result of Leadership behaviours. There are so many organisations that first fail to identify the behaviours they want their leaders to demonstrate consistently and secondly, fail to build effective skills and behaviour frameworks that underpin quality leadership in their business.
What we can do is to assist businesses both identify and work in partnership with leaders to put together the framework, whilst building their understanding of What we are doing, Why we are doing it , How it will be a benefit for them and their employees.
We can support leaders through coaching to help explore their own leadership behaviour challenges, identify where and why some situations are more challenging than others and to increase their own self-awareness.

Reveal Solutions are Leadership and Management Development specialists, designing and delivering bespoke learning interventions that improve employee performance, wellbeing and engagement.

mBraining Leadership Decision Making

First ever mBraining Leadership Decision Making course in the Northern hemisphere! There are six places remaining for this important training for leaders, consultants, business owners and coaches.

Find out what applied neuroscience has to tell us about making sustainable and wise decisions in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Two impactful days of valuable insights and practical techniques, plus a copy of the mBraining book.

Contact Reb now to reserve your place at or 0779 088 5086.

Face to Face Training Counts

Getting the balance between online learning and face-to-face training is important, employers need to weigh up not only the cost savings and ease of delivery through online LMS’s, but also to what extent the learner can become disenfranchised by not feeling they are at the centre of the training.
Employees often feel less valued if all the training provided comes in the form of on line learning delivered through the company’s LMS?
There is no doubt that some forms of training can be very effectively delivered on an LMS platform and with the advancements in interactive technology, the latest generations of LMS are far more engaging, incorporating multi-channel media. What is not so easy to achieve is harnessing the special dynamic that a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and engaging trainer brings to learning in a face-to-face environment.
People don’t tend to remember their encounter with the LMS in quite the same way and the learning is likely procedural and matter of fact; it would be, it’s pre-programmed. Unlike a responsive trainer, who works with the learners present; weaving in stories, examples, analogies that fit application of skill with the specific context.
We often describe what we do as ‘bespoke’ training, training that leverages that special relationship in the room between the trainer and the learners. Yes it will be more expensive, and yes it will take a little more organisation getting people away from their jobs and together as a group; however the learning is far more impactful, challenging, engaging & rewarding to be involved in. It results in new behaviours, increases employee engagement, which leads to improvements in innovation, process & productivity. We must be prepared not just to measure the simplistic or short term return on investment, but also to consider the synergistic growth, wellbeing and happiness of our people.